Ananya Ganesh
I am a fifth-year PhD student at CU Boulder, working on natural language processing at the NALA lab. I am advised by Prof. Katharina von der Wense and Prof. Martha Palmer. I develop computational models for understanding and generating language, with a focus on educational applications. Currently, I am working on improving classroom discourse using NLP systems that can understand and support collaborative conversations between students. I am also interested in dialog systems, low-resource or data-scarce settings and languages, and approaches for curating high-quality datasets.
Previously, I worked as a Research Engineer at the Educational Testing Services (ETS)
in the NLP and speech research group. I graduated from UMass Amherst with a master's degree in
Computer Science, where I worked at IESL, mainly on energy-efficient NLP models and semantic role labeling.
Selected Publications
Prompting as Panacea? A Case Study of In-Context Learning Performance for Qualitative Coding of Classroom Dialog
Ananya Ganesh, Chelsea Chandler, Sidney D`Mello, Martha Palmer, Katharina von der Wense.
EDM 2024
Evaluating Behaviors of General Purpose Language Models in a Pedagogical Context
Shamya Karumbaiah, Ananya Ganesh, Aayush Bharadwaj, Lucas Anderson.
AIED 2024
Mind the Gap between the Application Track and the Real World.
Ananya Ganesh, Jie Cao, Margaret Perkoff, Rosy Southwell, Martha Palmer, Katharina Kann.
ACL 2023
A Survey of Challenges and Methods in the Computational Modeling of Multi-Party Dialog.
Ananya Ganesh, Martha Palmer, Katharina Kann.
Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI (NLP4ConvAI) ACL 2023
Navigating Wanderland: Highlighting Off-Task Discussions in Classrooms.
Ananya Ganesh, Michael Chang, Rachel Dickler, Jon Cai, Michael Regan, Kristin Wright-Bettner, James Pustejovsky, James Martin, Jeff Flanigan, Martha Palmer, Katharina Kann.
24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2023)
CHIA: CHoosing Instances for Annotation.
Rajat Bhatnagar*, Ananya Ganesh*, Katharina Kann.
Findings of EMNLP 2022
What Would a Teacher Do? Predicting Future Talk Moves
Ananya Ganesh, Martha Palmer, Katharina Kann.
Findings of ACL 2021
Energy and Policy Considerations for Deep Learning in NLP
Emma Strubell, Ananya Ganesh, Andrew McCallum.
ACL 2019